Defines industry practices for usage of the FIX standard to facilitate parallel implementation across buys-sides, sell-sides and intermediaries. v1.0
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Recommended Practices/Guidelines Template
Recommended Practices/Guidelines Template Update: May 2020
FIX Security White Paper v1.9
The “FIX Security White Paper (v1.9)” is intended to provide FIX Trading Community members with some of the common questions and answers regarding computer and network security when using FIX. Its scope is limited to the FIX Protocol and transmission of FIX messages between parties; issues such as security of operating systems, internal applications, databases,...
Recommended Practices for Continuous Mass Quoting
Guide to implementation of mass quoting functionality for multiple asset classes using FIX 5.0 SP1 in an Exchange/ECN environment
Recommended Best Practices for Exchanges and ECNs
The FIX Protocol Gap Analysis document proposing extensions based on the EEWG Phase I Recommended Best Practices. Included in FIX 5.0 SP1.
FX via FIX – Recommended Practices
Addresses the FIX Protocol for FX Placement, Allocation, and Confirmation/Affirmation workflows. Updated: 20190207 (v0.08)
Qualified Vendor via FIX – Recommended Practices
Includes the FIX Recommended Practices for interfacing with DTC Qualified Vendors.
Equity Swaps via FIX – Recommended Practices
Addresses the two primary post-trade workflow types or equity swaps between the buy-side and the broker-dealer and swap providers. The workflows include 1) Hedge-leg style 2) Swap style.
Common Framework via FIX – Recommended Practices
Describes the common framework for cross-asset buy-side to sell-side workflow for post-trade processing. Note that pre-trade allocation is within the scope of post-trade processing.
Futures via FIX – Recommended Practices
Addresses the post-trade workflow for futures and options on futures via FIX.