Session Level Specifications
FIX Session Protocol version 1.1 (FIXT 1.1) Specification
Transport Independence Framework
The FIX Session Protocol version 1.1 (FIXT 1.1) is now available. With the release of FIX Protocol version 5.0 in 2006 the FIX Global Technical Committee has introduced a new framework called Transport Independence (TI). Under the TI framework the FIX Session Protocol and the FIX Protocol (the application layer messages) have been separated. This allows FIX Protocol messages to sent via any appropriate transport technology (e.g. MQ, WS-RX, message bus) in addition to the FIX Session Protocol.
An errata to the FIXT.1.1 Session Layer has been released simultaneously with FIX.5.0SP1. The errata version supercedes the original FIXT.1.1.
Enhancements in FIXT.1.1
- The use of encryption within FIX message themselves using SecureData(91) has been deprecated.
- User / Password enhancement for market place usage
- Addition of ApplExtID(1156) field omitted from first release of FIXT.1.1
- Improved documentation
Changes introduced as part of FIXT 1.1
Although FIX Session Protocol version 1.1 (FIXT 1.1) represents an architectural change, in fact FIX T1.1 consists of very minor changes to the FIX Session Protocol as defined in FIX 4.0-4.4.
Changes to Standard Header
The following fields were added to the Standard Header:
- ApplVerID(1128) – specifies the version of the FIX Protocol application message. This is an enumerated list of FIX versions
- ApplExtID(1156) – can be used between counterparties to specify an extension pack.
- CstmApplVerID(1129) – specifies a custom extension to the FIX Protocol application message, to be used in a bilaterally agreed upon manner
Changes to the Logon message
The following fields were added to the Logon message:
- RefApplVerID(1130) – specifies the version of the FIX Protocol application message to be sent/received. This is part of the NoMsgType repeating group that allows for the specification of which message type is supported in which direction (send or receive)
- RefApplExtID(1406) – specifies an extension pack that is to be applied to the message definition.
- RefCstmApplVerID(1131) – specifies a custom extension to the FIX Protocol application message to be sent/received. This is part of the NoMsgType repeating group that allows for the specification of which message type is supported in which direction (send or receive)
- DefaultApplVerID(1137) – specifies the default version of the FIX Protocol application level messages to be used within this session
- DefaultApplExtID(1407) – specifies the default extension pack to be applied to the DefaultApplVerID(1137) FIX Protocol application messages used within this session
Access to the Specification Documents
FIX Trading Community publishes the FIX Protocol specifications in Microsoft Word (“.doc” or “DOC”) and Portable Document Format (“.pdf” or “PDF”) formats. Any registered user of the FIX Trading Community website may access the PDF version. The Word version is accessible by FIX Trading Community members only. Registration is free. Site users must be logged in to access specifications in either format.
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Specification Documents
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