Bill Murray, based in the UK, is a Senior Researcher and Advisor for Leading Edge Forum. Bill is the author of our report entitled, Rethink Risk Through the Lens of Antifragility, co-author of our paper WT* is a Platform and co-author for our publication The Renaissance of the IT Organization.
Bill’s IT career spans over 30 years, with 16 years as a Founder and Partner of Differentis, providing strategic IT consulting services to many industry sectors. Bill has experience of developing Digital and business technology strategies, business cases and change programmes involving technology disruptions such as consumerization, analytics and cloud based services. Most recently, Bill has been helping clients develop IoT enabled business propositions and services in Connected Health, Connected Insurance, FMCG and supply chains, and advising on IoT platforms.
Prior to Differentis, Bill was Vice President of Management Consulting and Strategic Development for CSC where he consulted to clients on IT strategy, programme management and business/IT innovation projects. Prior to CSC, Bill held various strategy roles with KPMG Nolan Norton and Accenture.
Bill is a chartered engineer by background,and started his career with Arup in high energy impact analysis in the the nuclear and automotive industries.