This Extension Pack provides extensions to FIX to support the regulatory reporting requirements of the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC), specifically addressing the Canadian Univeral Market Integrity Rules (UMIR) regarding short sales.

The rule amendments dealt specifically with:

  • repeal of tick test
  • impose pre-borrow requirements for short slaes under certain circumstances
  • introduced a new "short marking exempt" designation to be used with orders to puchase or sell a security from certain accounts that take a "directionally neutral" trading strategy

IIROC References:

  • IIROC Notice 12-0078 – Rules Notice – Notice of Approval – UMIR – Provisions Respecting Short Sales and Failed Trades (March 2, 2012).
  • IIROC Notice 12-0158 – Rules Notice – Notice of Implementation – UMIR – Changes to Implementation Date for Provisions Respecting Regulation of Short Sales and Failed Trades and for Provisions Respecting Dark Liquidity (May 8, 2012).

Update History

[Updated 2015-08-17] Revised the FIXML Schema and FIX Repository to reflect changes in EP161.

[Updated 2013-12-09] The FIXML Schema and FIX Repository files have been updated for the following changes: an update to the base FIX 5.0 SP2 (See 20131209 Errata Release Notes); an update to EP105 to correct an issue with incorrect coding of UndInstrmtGrp and InstrmtLegGrp components in the Repository; an error in EP106 and EP162 was corrected to resolve FIXML Schema validation issues with components assigned to incorrect component categories.

[Updated 2013-09-26] Revised the FIXML Schema and FIX Repository to reflect changes in EP161.

[Updated 2012-06-25] The FIXML Schema file has been updated due to an error reported related to incorrect xs data type restriction for the new field ShortMarkingExemptIndicator.

Files list:
FIX Protocol Gap Analysis Proposal - IIROC Short Sale Amendments Rev0.5_ASBUILT.pdfViewDownload

Total Files3
File Size2.12 MB
Create DateJune 20, 2017