FIX MiFID Initiatives

MiFID II (the update to MiFID and introduction of MiFIR) comes into effect on the 3rd January 2018. The changes are broad-reaching, covering multiple asset classes and a significant part of the trade lifecycle. FIX Trading Community has, over the last few years, engaged in a number of the topics covered by MiFID II and is well placed to assist the industry – practitioners, regulators and solution providers – in a number of key topics.

To this end, FIX Trading Community™ has a number of MiFID-related initiatives in progress, reflecting the critical significance of effective connectivity as a key concern to members and other FIX® users. FIX maintains an ongoing dialogue with the regulatory community and are engaged with them to develop practical solutions to the requirements of MiFID II.


MiFID Newsletter- Dec 2017 307.20 KB 1993 downloads

MiFID Newsletter December 2017 ...

MiFID Collateral

FIX MiFID Deliverables

Extension packs and proposals produced by the subgroups to address specific MiFID issues.


Implementation Guidelines

Guidelines produced by the subgroups to address the implementation of specific MiFID requirements.


MiFID Presentations

Collection of MiFID focused presentations provided by members of the FIX Trading Community.


FIX MiFID Subgroups

These subgroups were created by the EMEA Regulatory Subcommittee to address issues specific to MiFID regulation requirements.


Market Model Typology (MMT)

MMT was developed for MiFID I through the collaborative efforts of exchanges, MTF’s, market data vendors and trade reporting venues as a means of standardizing post-trade data reporting.


MiFID Forum

The forum provides an open spaces for participants to ask questions and receive feedback from the FIX community members. Please use the tag mifidii to identify MiFID specific posts.


If you are interested in participating in any MiFID subgroups please contact the Program Office.