FIX India Regional Meeting: Industry Priorities in the Post-COVID Era
Welcome to the ‘FIX India Working Group – Industry Priorities in the Post-COVID Era
The FIX India Working Group will host a seminar on 6 December 2022 (Tue), and you are cordially invited. As the first face-to-face meeting since COVID, the event will feature a presentation by NSE and a panel discussion on topical issues that are affecting Indian trading and market development. Live streaming is also available for those who can’t attend in person. This event is open to buy-side, sell-side, and solution providers, and we look forward to seeing you!
Date: Tuesday 6th December 2022
Venue: Dr. R H Patil Auditorium, National Stock Exchange, Exchange Plaza, C-1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai – 400 051
3:45pm Welcome Coffee
4:10pm Welcome Remarks
4:20pm Opening Speech by NSE
4:35pm Panel: Industry Priorities
5:25pm Coffee and Networking
All registrations are subject to availability and approval
Fee: Free of charge for FIX members and invited industry participants
If you have any enquiries, please email barbara.law@fixtrading.org