ACI Financial Markets Association (“ACI FMA”) is a global non-political, non-profit association of wholesale financial market participants. ACI FMA was established under the French Law of 1901 and based on mutual recognition of markets professionals, with the objective of developing the profession, without discrimination of any sort. Since 1955, ACI FMA has represented the interests of individuals in professional trading, broking, operations, regulatory and compliance...
EMEA Trading Conference Event Partners
24 March 2022
Partnering Trade Associations

The Association for Financial Markets in Europe (AFME) is the voice of all Europe’s wholesale financial markets, providing expertise across a broad range of regulatory and capital markets issues. We represent the leading global and European banks and other significant capital market players. We advocate for deep and integrated European capital markets which serve the needs of companies and investors, supporting economic growth and benefiting...

AMF Italia – Italian Association of Financial Markets Intermediaries – represents the interests of Italian financial markets operators vis-à-vis Italian and EU institutions, other associations and any other public or private economic and social organisation. It is one of the pillars of the Italian financial market and a partner for all intermediaries providing investment services in Italy from all parts of the European Union, which...

CryptoUK is an independent industry body that exists as a cohesive, credible voice for the evolving UK crypto industry. It represents the UK’s crypto asset sector, working directly with policymakers and market players to advocate for better education, mutual understanding, and fair and balanced policy. Its 155+ members include crypto natives, services, custodians, and institutional investors.

Electronic Debt Markets Association represents the common interests of companies whose primary business is the operation of regulated electronic fixed income trading venues (multilateral trading facilities and regulated markets) in Europe. EDMA seeks to foster and promote liquid, transparent, safe and fair markets and act as the voice and a source of consultation between the members in their roles as operators of such venues. EDMA...

The European Venues and Intermediaries Association [‘EVIA’] promotes and enhances the value and competitiveness of wholesale markets trading venues, platforms and arranging intermediaries. It provides members with co-ordination and a common voice to foster and promote liquid, transparent and fair markets. As a highly respected focal point for the industry, EVIA delivers a clear and certain channel of communication with central banks, governments, policy makers...

The Bundesverband der Wertpapierfirmen e.V. (bwf) was founded in September 2003, under the then name Bundesverband der Wertpapierfirmen an den deutschen Börsen e.V., on the initiative of the previous federal associations of price brokers/financial intermediaries on the one hand and investment trading firms on the other. Since January 2004, it has continued the business of the previous federal associations. The aim of the new foundation...

BVI represents the interests of the German fund industry at national and international level. The association promotes sensible regulation of the fund business as well as fair competition vis-à-vis policy makers and regulators. Asset Managers act as trustees in the sole interest of the investor and are subject to strict regulation. Funds match funding investors and the capital demands of companies and governments, thus fulfilling...

The Swedish Securities Markets Association (Swedish: Svensk Värdepappersmarknad) was founded on 15th December 1908. The Association has 23 Swedish, Nordic and Global banks, investment banks and investment firms active on the Swedish securities markets as members. The Association’s mission is to work for sustainable and competitive Swedish securities markets. The Association has more than 50 working groups, where topics relating inter alia to equity-, derivatives-...
Official Media Partner

The GlobalTrading Journal is the premier global educational publication for the electronic trading industry and the FIX Trading Community’s official journal since 2002. Drawn from the industry, GlobalTrading includes buy-side interviews, regulatory updates, exchange news, technical insight, pension fund analysis and updates on the most important trends and opinions across all asset classes. With unique online content and downloadable resources, delivers the latest opinions and case studies from the...
Media Partners

Best Execution – where the buyside and sellside meet. Best Execution reviews the issues that impact the achievement of best execution in the global securities markets throughout the trading lifecycle (from pre-trade to trade execution to post-trade). Increasingly driven by regulation we report on the seismic shifts that are occurring in capital markets across asset classes, with a key focus on the cutting-edge technology solutions and...

CryptoNewsZ is a News Publication that brings the latest news on cryptocurrencies, blockchain, ICOs, crypto exchanges, DApps, price analysis of cryptocurrencies, interviews and other prominent events for the crypto community. We aim to evolve the crypto world and help people understand each and every concept. Ours is a commercial website providing exclusive news and information with an extensive reach of users across the globe.

After 10 years in fintech, FF News has become a leading source of industry news. We cover all the major developments and interview top fintech entrepreneurs, banking professionals, and thought leaders. Find us at major events and conferences, and join a global audience of over 100,000 online. Stay updated at for all things fintech and finance, and explore our premium video and event coverage.

Harrington Starr is a multi-award-winning financial technology recruitment firm, with offices in London, New York and Belfast. Their diverse range of clients include banks, hedge funds, vendors, service providers, payment providers, asset managers, start-ups, and an array of renowned industry disruptors. But they all have one thing in common – they all trust Harrington Starr with their most important asset: people.

Savvy Investor is the world’s leading content platform for investment industry professionals – curating, distributing, and promoting investment white papers, articles, blogs, and conferences from across the web. Visit today to browse the library of over 10,000 papers. Membership is completely free, and selecting your professional interests at sign-up ensures a completely personalised experien Register now for free at

We need to talk about bonds. Liquidity has been sucked out of the credit markets by regulation. It can only be replaced by a structural change in the secondary market, or a change to the issuance model in the primary market. Neither is happening right now. Fixed income trading costs are opaque at best, so achieving best execution in the bond market seems an impossible...

The Realization Group is a full-service marketing agency dedicated to helping firms in the global financial markets achieve sustainable growth and a competitive edge. Our senior team of marketing, PR and strategy experts takes a consultative approach, crafting bespoke, data-driven solutions tailored to each client’s unique goals. We work closely with clients to assess their marketing processes, uncover opportunities and develop strategic plans aligned with...

The TRADE delivers insight to trading professionals at the world’s largest asset managers and investment banks, and boasts an audience that includes buy-side dealers, high frequency traders, fund managers, sell-side brokers, FinTech innovators and regulators. Our content focuses on the day-to-day responsibilities of our readership, comprised of informed editorial on regulation, corporate innovation, peer group analysis and insights from industry luminaries.